TUTORIAL 1I have followed the steps of Tutorial 1 "Building a Mobile RSS News Reader" and I noticed some difference between my results and the results shown in the video.
Hereafter are the screenshots highliting such differences:
On the left the video tutorial, on the right what I did.
In the first 4 screenshots, I spot no differences.

Differences begin in the following two screenshots.
In the icon of "$XML1" node:
there is not a small mobile phone icon overlayed to the paper sheet icon,
there is a "CACHE" icon
there is a "Server Only" caption

Since that difference prevented me from completing the tutorial, I right-clicked and unchecked "Keep data on server"...

...so I obtained this situation:

In this way, I have managed to let the Feed Reader works correctly as expected in the video.
Real problems have arised when following the Tutorial 2:
TUTORIAL 2As you can see in the following image, between Tutorial 1 and 2, the "$XML1" node in the "Page Source" pane has been changed into a "$HTTP1" node, without showing the steps needed to obtain this update:

As a result, when I right-click such a node to follow the video tutorial, in my contextual menu the "HTTP Request Settings..." entry is missing, so I cannot continue the tutorial:

How do I transform the "$XML1" node in a "$HTTP" node, please?
Thank you in advance