Sorry fot my bad english
I am new on this forum
I use filemaker, and I need to make a small application to get data from Filemaker Server with API REST and store inside PERSISTENT database
I use filemaker but I need to make android app, and I like to use MobileTogether
Inside filemaker to get Json from the server i have a parameter script where I setup CURL variable option like this:
D $_response_headers
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Basic cmVzdDpyZXN0" (this is the username and password "base 64 encoded")
-d @$_authentication_json (This is the variable that get Json result, in the case of altova I use $MT_HTTPExecute_Result variable
And I get Json result like this:
start Json resutl
"messages" :
"code" : "0",
"message" : "OK"
"response" :
"token" : "cd97cf3b422d623196688d306c1f2c151d944452817c71b5"
end Json result
I need to do the some with Restful Api Request apnel
In the RESTful API Request panel, use Basic/OAuth setup, where I write username and password
But I get error:
Error response:
{"messages":[{"message":"Invalid content type (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). These are valid: application/json","code":"1708"}],"response":{}}
Error executing REST POST request: FatalError: I/O operation on file '' failed.
I/O Error 400: Bad Request
Some good soul can help me hot to setup the some call with Api rest In MobileTogether?
Thanks to evryone
mario attached the following image(s):